Burrrrr cold….

Where is the warmer weather? The last time I checked the temps for this weekend I thought yesterday and today were to be in the higher 60’s?. Today is burrr cold. I am quite sick of this blah cold grey weather. I know this is typical for our Midwest area but it seems like we have had a lack of sunshine and it is starting to have a negative effect on my mood that is for sure. I do like the change of seasons but I could do without the Winter and all that it entails. This week it looks like the temps are going to be on the cooler side as well. Ugh, that is a drag.

Sunny weather I know is near and soon the grass will start to change back to a plush green and the buds will start to show. I LOVE the Spring and the sounds that come with it. It also brings out the Cinderella in me. The garage is the first to get the clean out- I can’t wait as I have been looking at several things all winter and have convinced myself that it is ok to toss it out as it has served its purpose and it is time for a new home. Letting go of “stuff” is a whole new subject to write about for another day…..

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